
Government connections


Government connections

During the last 12 months I have met with Mark Edwards and Karen William from RCC to discuss the new direction and grown of the Chamber. Both reinforced that they would like to see the SMBI Chamber become a united front for the islands, they have also discussed that RCC needs one main point of contact with the island Business community, not numerous organisations.

Kim Richards & Business Mentoring – Kim and I have also met on several occasions discussing how her office can support our Island Businesses. Through Kim’s contacts I have also been able to meet with State Ministers, one of which recently visited our islands. Kim’s office is also behind the Business Mentoring Program we will be rolling out next year.

Matt McEachon & Russell Island Police – Matt was responsible for inviting the shadow Police Minister to Russell Island earlier this year.  This was a very successful meeting with several business leaders as well as Mike Verry our first police office on Russell Island. As a result of this meeting, the Shadow Minister was able to challenge the State Government in a sitting in Parliament regarding the police shortage on the islands. This was a significant help to increasing the police numbers to 4 on Russell Island.

Andrew Laming & Telecommunication Blackspots – There have been a few discussions with Andrew Laming our Federal MP this last year. Most of my conversations with Andrew have been addressing the Telecommunication black spots on the islands. Andrew keeps assuring me he is working with Optus for the new tower due to be completed on Moreton Outlook Russell Island this December.

More information on the SMBI Chamber of Commerce website.

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